Monday, December 13, 2010

Neutral Birch Trees

Check out the neutral colored birch trees on the drying rack!
Second grade did an awesome job! Next week, they will be adding them to
their winter landscape!

Thursday, December 09, 2010

Kindergarten Snowflakes

Kindergarteners have been learning about Wilson Bentley, a photographer and scientist from Vermont. He was the first person to photograph snowflakes using a very special camera with a microscope. Wilson Bentley took photographs that even today revel two important truths about snowflakes: first that no two are alike , and second, that each one is startling beautiful.

Kindergarteners created four snowflakes each using white oil pastels for the lines and black paper for the background. We were aiming for the same black/white photographic look when Wilson Bentley was photographing his snowflakes! Kindergarteners were excited to learn about different kinds of cameras, who a photographer was, symmetry and neutral colors!
Let it SNOW!

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Let it SNOW

Ms. Krass painted a winter scene
on the front windows at
Lake Forest!

Fourth Grade Printmakers

Fourth Graders learned the technique of creating multiple prints. They were inspired by Andy Warhol's use of repetition. Each student created 4 editions of their self-portrait and used complementary color schemes to enhance their artwork.

Friday, December 03, 2010

Inside the Kiln

This is a photo of the inside of the kiln. The kiln is used to fire clay artwork. These are clay islands created by the second grade waiting to be taken out of the kiln. More photos of the islands to come!

Third Grade Monochromatic Self-Portait Collage

Ms. Krass totally forgot the post these wonderful monochromatic self-portaits done by third grade! Third graders used a monochromatic color scheme and values of that one color! All self-portraits are hanging in the hallway....when you have a chance, stop by and view the wonderful artwork!