Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Radial Designs using Recycled Plastic Tops

Fourth Grade just finished their radial designs
using a very interesting
art material, plastic bottle tops! Our school has been recycling plastic
bottle tops all year long. We organized them all according to their colors!
What a wonderful way to incorporate recycling and art!

Who Loves Cupcakes?

Kindergarten just finished creating these yummy cupcakes that look so good you want to eat them! Ms. Krass is keeping these over the summer and will hang them in the lobby in August when you come back to school!

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Fourth Grade Papermaking Workshop

Katy DeMent, a local papermaking artist came to teach our 4th grade students the history of papermaking and how to create their own piece of handmade paper! All students were able to feel the paper pulp on their hands and collage interesting, unique images on their paper! The students had a blast and learned many new vocabulary words to use when creating paper again! Thanks Katy the Paper Lady!